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Dance Encounters

In our project “Dance Encounters” two volunteers from abroad, who are interested in performance art and its mediation to children and adolescents, get the opportunity to get to know the work of our institution Initiative LUNA PARK, and to support our work for a period of in total 11 months. The aim of our institution is the creation and expansion of educational and extracurricular cultural educational projects and the consolidation and expansion of the network of our project partners. Particularly it is about a sustainable improvement of the educational level and the creative participation of schoolchildren and kindergarten children, mainly with migration or refugee backgrounds, coming from socially disadvantaged families.


The two volunteers assist in the preparation and implementation of dance and theater classes, workshops, project weeks, holiday programs and other events in the neighborhood, excursions and theater visits for children and adolescents from a social hot spot in Berlin as well as in the developing of dance and theater projects with them and public performances. Especially here, the volunteers have the chance to get creative with their skills and their own ideas.


“Dance Encounters” is organized in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps (activity type: individual volunteering). Costs for accommodation, food supply, cross-border and local transport, and pocket money are covered by the European Solidarity Corps. The project is managed, supervised and continuously evaluated by freelance employees of our Initiative LUNA PARK, in coordination with our cooperating institutions from Berlin-Wedding and other partners such as the Cultural Office of Berlin-Mitte, Quartiersmanagement Badstraße, the Centre Francais de Berlin and the Uferstudios.


© 2021 by Kai Pichmann & Giovanni Lo Curto / Initiative LUNA PARK

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